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All news, insights and events
All news, insights and events
Event date: 07.11.2024 - 07.11.2024

Photovoltaic industry in France and Europe: New momentum, new horizons

The photovoltaic industry is a priority for Europe and France. It plays a central role in achieving our climate objectives, while strengthening our energy independence. The photovoltaic industry also stimulates innovation and supports economic growth, while preserving our industrial sovereignty. Political and regulatory choices, as well as economic support, are essential to create the right conditions for the development of this strategic sector.

The emergence of new players and new innovations across the entire value chain, from raw materials production to recycling, bears witness to the revival of this sector.

In this context, EIT InnoEnergy, the leading innovation engine in sustainable energy and ADEME, the French Agency for Ecological Transition and operator of the France 2030 plan, would like to bring together the players involved in this dynamic to share their expertise and visions on a European and French scale.

Join us in Paris on November 7 to shape the future of a competitive and sustainable European industry!


  • 9am: Welcome coffee
  • 9:30am: Introduction Welcome by Diego Pavia (InnoEnergy) and Sylvain Wasserman (Ademe)
  • 9h40: Global overview of the PV industry in Europe
  • 9h55: Measures to support the photovoltaic industry in France by Javier Sanz (InnoEnergy)
  • 10h10: Pitch by Rosi and Feedgy
  • 10h25: Panel “How can we create the right market conditions to support the European photovoltaic module industry?”
  • 11h15: Pitch by Heliup and SolarCloth
  • 11h25: Panel “The role of investors in the deployment of PV Made in Europe”
  • 12h15 : Conclusion
  • 12h20-14h : Lunch cocktail / networking