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Event date: 18.09.2024 - 18.09.2024

Transatlantic Cleantech Summit

About the Event

As the world races towards our ambitious decarbonization goals in an era of geopolitical volatility, securing clean, reliable, and domestically sourced energy is increasingly critical for sustainability and national security.

Europe’s regulatory leadership has successfully incentivized early adoption of clean technologies, while the US has excelled at scaling innovation rapidly. By combining forces, the US and Europe hold the key to unlocking the full potential of cleantech markets.

The Transatlantic Cleantech Summit by EIT InnoEnergy will convene 200+ industry leaders, climatech investors, innovators, and policymakers from both sides of the Atlantic to explore success stories and roadblocks in scaling cleantech. The one-day event aims to foster collaboration between the US and EU to chart a path forward for bridging the gap between innovation, climate capital, and industrial policy.

Event details

Date: September 18, 2024

Location: The Engine, 750 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02139 (Maps)


8:30 am – 9:15 am   Check-in & Networking Breakfast


9:15 am – 9:30 am   Welcoming Remarks


9:30 am – 9:50 am   Keynote: Building the Bridge for Transatlantic Decarbonization

Speaker: Elena Bou, Innovation Director, InnoEnergy


10:05 am – 10:50 am   Panel: Scaling Net Zero Industries in the EU

This panel will provide an overview of Europe’s progress in deploying clean technologies within key carbon-intensive industries. Panelists will examine the specific technologies driving decarbonization, the financial capital and workforce development needed, and the lessons learned to date. Panelists will highlight which learnings can be applied to decarbonization efforts in the U.S and where there are opportunities for impactful transatlantic collaboration.

Moderator: Dan Goldman, Co-Founder and Managing Partner, Clean Energy Ventures

Panelists: Alexander Goos, Head of Asset Management, InnoEnergy

Jennifer Dungs, Thematic Field Leader Mobility, InnoEnergy

Marcin Lewenstein, Thematic Field Leader Circular Economy, InnoEnergy

Mark Vasu, Head of Global Business Development, InnoEnergy Skills Institute



10:50 am – 11:00 am   Break


11:00 am – 11:45 am   Panel: Regulation as a Catalyst for the Clean Energy Transition

This panel will dissect differences in the regulatory environments for climate technologies in the European Union and the United States. The roles of incentives and mandates will be compared as catalysts for the deployment of clean technology, with a particular focus on how the upcoming requirements in the EU will propel the deployment of many tough technologies and push those technologies down the cost curve.

Moderator: Anne Kelly, VP of Government Relations, Ceres

Panelists: Eike Klapper, First Secretary, Delegation of the European Union to the U.S.

Sarah Bresolin Silver, VP of Government and Regulatory Affairs, ENGIE North America Inc.

Baptiste Buet, EU Business Unit Director, InnoEnergy

Josh Ryor, Assistant Secretary of Energy, MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs


11:45 am – 1:00 pm   Lunch


1:00 pm – 1:45 pm   Panel: Industrial Decarbonization Through Strategic Value Chains

This panel will explore the vital role of collaboration and industrial partnerships in building strategic value chains for low-carbon technologies. Drawing on examples from the U.S. and Europe, we’ll identify the key participants and success factors that are essential for creating robust value chains. Panelists will discuss how these partnerships derisk novel technologies and accelerate industrial decarbonization. Corporate leaders will also share insights on how strategic alliances are driving the rapid deployment of innovative solutions and helping achieve ambitious climate goals.

Moderator: Fiona Murray, Associate Dean of Innovation, MIT Sloan School of Management

Panelists: Benjamin Downing, VP of Public Affairs, The Engine Accelerator

Bart de Beer, CFO, InnoEnergy

Deepak Bhandary, Incubation Partner, SE Ventures


1:55 pm – 2:15 pm   Fireside Chat: Future-Proofing the Grid in Europe and the US

This panel will explore the critical challenges of grid modernization facing both the US and EU, highlighting the differences and similarities between these regions. Panelists will discuss emerging technologies, areas ripe for further innovation, and policies driving progress on both sides of the Atlantic.

Moderator: Alistair Pim, VP of Innovation and Partnerships, NECEC

Panelists: Ariel Horowitz, Grid Modernization Deputy Director, U.S. Department of Energy

Manel Sanmarti, Co-founder and CEO, Bamboo Energy


2:15 pm – 2:35 pm   Break


2:35 – 2:55 pm   Fireside Chat: Investing in Global Ambition

Hydrocarbons are a global phenomenon, creating a vast total addressable market for cleantech startups. But scaling internationally is no easy feat. In this fireside chat, we’ll explore the essential traits that drive cleantech companies to global success and how investors can support founders from lab bench to global enterprise.

Panelists: Ryan Dings, U.S. CEO, InnoEnergy

Michael Kearney, General Partner, Engine Ventures


3:00 pm – 3:45 pm   Panel: Navigating Transatlantic Scale-Up

This panel will bring together US and EU startups to discuss their strategies for transatlantic expansion. Panelists will explore what drives them to new markets and discuss the challenges of scaling globally.

Moderator: Scott Clavenna, Co-founder and CEO, Latitude Media

Panelists: Nicolas Bozek, Head of Partnerships, Basquevolt

Coleman Adams, CFO, Nth Cycle

Anders Jansson, Head of Business Development, CorPower Ocean


3:45 pm – 4:00 pm   Concluding Remarks


4:00 pm – 6:00 pm   Networking Reception